Imagine you’re on vacation, and you decide to splurge and stay at a 5-star hotel instead of the usual 3 star one, making you acutelyaware of the luxury you’ve been missing out on. But, what about a 7-star hotel!? Well, “lavish” and “extravagant” would be understatements. So what would actually happen if you visited a 7 star-hotel? It’s time to show you. But before I continue, let me know in the comments what you think a 7-star hotel would be like. Let’s take the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. It’s recognized as a 7-star hotel. Though, it’s a 5-star hotel. But the way it got its impressive rating is pretty interesting. A British journalist visited the luxurious hotel during a press trip. When he left, he was so impressed by the standards,service, and amenities, that he described it as a 7 star experience. Ever since, the exaggerated hotel rating hasbeen haunting the Burj Al Arab, but in a good way. The Burj Al Arab, which means “the ArabianTower”; has be...
So today we’re going to tackle a question that has confounded mankind for millennia; what happens when we give up the ghost down here on Terra-firma, when the heart expires, the brain stops receiving oxygen and your friends start putting together a top ten list of your favorite songs for your no doubt bleak funeral. Many people still believe that our time on Earth is spent in some kind of vestibule to heaven, a kind of waiting room where we stay while the Almighty like a divine accountant gets out his calculator and starts subtracting all our sins from the good things we’ve done. You have to believe in the right Him of course,and so for centuries cultures having been calling out others as infidels or heretics. Heaven they say, isn’t open for all, some names aren’t on the guest list and they’re not coming in. According to some people, heaven isn’t big enough for all the religions, and even in today’s politically correct world the eternal ethereal hotel in the clouds isn’t exactly a...