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A PLANE LANDED AFTER 37 YEARS What would you do if you went on a vacation to another city and suddenly found yourself in another country altogether? I guess more adventurous types would even enjoy such a change of plans, but most of us would be confused. Anyway, I bet even the most reckless of adventurers would at least raise an eyebrow if told they’d flown for close to half a century. On July 2, 1955, Pan American Flight 914 made its way from New York to Miami, Florida. It was a fine sunny day, and 57 passengers on board the plane were looking forward to seeing the warm beaches and palm trees of Florida. The plane took off without trouble, but 3hours later, when it should’ve already landed at the destination airport, it was nowhere to be seen. Radars of the control tower in Miami didn’tshow any approaching aircraft, and no distress signals were received either. When air traffic control contacted the New York tower, they got a perplexing reply: Flight 914 just disappeared from the ra

Inside World's First 7 Star Hotel - Burj Al Arab

 Imagine you’re on vacation, and you decide to splurge and stay at a 5-star hotel instead of the usual 3 star one, making you acutelyaware of the luxury you’ve been missing out on. But, what about a 7-star hotel!? Well, “lavish” and “extravagant” would be understatements. So what would actually happen if you visited a 7 star-hotel? It’s time to show you.  But before I continue, let me know in the comments what you think a 7-star hotel would be like.  Let’s take the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. It’s recognized as a 7-star hotel. Though, it’s a 5-star hotel. But the way it got its impressive rating is pretty interesting. A British journalist visited the luxurious hotel during a press trip. When he left, he was so impressed by the standards,service, and amenities, that he described it as a 7 star experience. Ever since, the exaggerated hotel rating hasbeen haunting the Burj Al Arab, but in a good way.  The Burj Al Arab, which means “the ArabianTower”; has been voted as the bes

How to increase Laptop's Speed - 24 Simple Tips

How to increase Laptop's Speed - 24 Simple Tips  You're working on something important when out of nowhere comes the “” notification. You speed up, and… the screen goes black. You didn't finish and can only hope it saved the progress. Sounds like you could use some ways to make your laptop battery last longer! 1. Play with power settings - This is likely what you’ll try first, so let’s get the obvious out of the way. You can turn on the Energy Saver (for Mac)or Power Saver (for Windows) mode in your settings. It lets you choose when the display will go off whenever you’re inactive. The sooner it happens, the more battery you'll save. 2. Turn down the lights - Your laptop screen, or rather its backlight, is one of the hungriest energy eaters in the whole system. Dim the screen brightness to win an extra30 minutes of productivity a day. You can usually do it easily using one of the F keys. Adjust it to the dimmest you can go without straining your eyes. 3. Change the bac