Imagine you’re on vacation, and you decide to splurge and stay at a 5-star hotel instead of the usual 3 star one, making you acutelyaware of the luxury you’ve been missing out on. But, what about a 7-star hotel!? Well, “lavish” and “extravagant” would be understatements. So what would actually happen if you visited a 7 star-hotel? It’s time to show you. But before I continue, let me know in the comments what you think a 7-star hotel would be like. Let’s take the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. It’s recognized as a 7-star hotel. Though, it’s a 5-star hotel. But the way it got its impressive rating is pretty interesting. A British journalist visited the luxurious hotel during a press trip. When he left, he was so impressed by the standards,service, and amenities, that he described it as a 7 star experience. Ever since, the exaggerated hotel rating hasbeen haunting the Burj Al Arab, but in a good way. The Burj Al Arab, which means “the ArabianTower”; has be...
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